by Lindsay Maloan |
As I laid in the bed listening to my girls’ heartbeats and kicks on the monitor this morning, I cursed myself for making the phone call to my OB. I had been having constant pain in my abdomen for four days, which peaked to a point that I broke down in tears from the... by Diana Stone |
This is a guest post is written by Kim who blogs at The Truth About Homeschooling. She writes on her days teaching her kids at home, her faith, and on her severe PPD after 3 children. In April 2010 I woke up. I was sitting on the sofa in my living room, still in my... by Lindsay Maloan |
The post-pee-on-a-stick euphoria lasted a couple of weeks. I can do this, I thought. I can wean off of my meds. And then two words changed my life. “It’s twins.” There’s no real way to explain the feeling of being stuck in a blender of sheer...
by Katherine Stone |
I’m so happy to welcome Warrior Mom Jessica Torres today, sharing her story of postpartum psychosis. I gave birth to a beautiful boy that ended up in the NICU. Devastated, I knew immediately it was my fault. I could barely touch him – he was so scary and...