by Katherine Stone |
Welcome to Volume 2 of the Postpartum Progress Warrior Moms Book Club! Earlier this year we began The Warrior Mom Book Club, a partnership between Beyond Postpartum and Postpartum Progress. Katherine Stone and I have learned over the years of providing peer support...
by Katherine Stone |
I’ve been going through old files as I prepare to move to my new house this week … THIS WEEK!! … and I found something from my postpartum depression and OCD days — a medication list. I used it to keep track of what I had been taking, including...
by Katherine Stone |
A news and events roundup on everything postpartum depression-related for you: * Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services in Michigan has launched a new Mother and Baby Day Program for postpartum depression treatment. The second of its kind in the nation, it allows... by Katherine Stone |
A poll conducted by the Royal College of Midwives in the United Kingdom finds that moms with depression in pregnancy, or antenatal depression, have very little information about the illness and are unlikely to seek help. According to the BBC, the poll of 260 mothers...