by Katherine Stone |
More news from the front this week: A new study was published on domestic violence as a risk factor for postpartum depression. And yes, I know many of you have never suffered domestic violence. It’s just one of the risk factors among many. Another study was... by Kimberly Morand |
I came across a post from a writer who was responding to an article entitled Why French Parents Are Superior. I was immediately intrigued. The writer, to me, wrote an eloquent piece arguing that ALL Moms are trying their best to raise their children. No culture or... by Katherine Stone |
Back when I started this blog in 2004, it was just me, myself and I. There was hardly anyone blogging about postpartum depression. Hardly anyone read my blog. There was no Twitter. There were no Facebook Fan Pages. No Pinterest, for goodness sake. It was SO EASY to...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: Warrior Mom Stacey shares how little her obstetrician did to help her when she shared how much she was suffering from postpartum anxiety and panic attacks. Another in our series about reaching out for help and not getting much of it. -Katherine]...