by Katherine Stone |
Lastweek over at O My Family, Allison took on the topic of religion and postpartum depression. As an evangelical Christian, she has not been helped by those who would have her believe that her PPD is simply a moral failing: "Often when (if indirectly)... by Katherine Stone |
Apparently Kate Kripke crawled inside my brain, watched the internal movie of my life, and then wrote this. That's the only possible way I can come up with that she could describethe lead up to mypostpartum OCD so well. I bet quite a few of you know what it feels... by Katherine Stone |
What if we could prevent postpartum depression? I have yet to see a 100% surefire answer on how to do that, but we may be getting closer. The keyseems to beSUPPORTING NEW MOTHERS (!) closely and carefully in the first year. Last year, I reported on a study conducted... by Katherine Stone |
Not sure if I shared this with y'all yet (on the Facebook Fan Page, yes, but not here on the blog), but I was squealing with delight recently to learn that lists Postpartum Progress on it's Must-Read Moms List. We're in the More Must Reads...