by Katherine Stone |
Pursuant to the post I wrote earlier this week on the myths perpetuated in the blogosphere by some moms who think motherhood is all wonderful and fabulous and perfect and that anyone who doesn’t think so is wrong, more moms who’ve had postpartum depression... by Katherine Stone |
I heard from CafeMom last week about a new feature they're offering on their site. It's called the Depression Support Center. They launched this new section of their site to provide a central resource for mothers experiencing emotional health issues, from... by Katherine Stone |
When I saw the headline, “Do Pregnancy & Bipolar Disorder Mix?”, I got nervous. But then I read the story and was pleasantly surprised. It is well-balanced and quotes true experts like Dr. Meg Spinelli and Dr. Catherine Birndorf. The article... by Katherine Stone |
I hear I missed a big debate last week. The “postpartum depression is real/I’m not sure about motherhood” versus “motherhood is hard so just man up ladies/motherhood is the best thing on the planet” camp. I’m kind of glad I missed...