by Katherine Stone |
I recently wrote a post for a new blog from Ashoka's Changemakers called Mommy Movement. As they describe it: "Mommy Movement is a group blog where bloggers come together to raise awareness for women's issues. Several times a week, bloggers post one short... by Katherine Stone |
Lots of research coming out on or related toperinatal mood & anxiety disorders, including studies on the effectiveness of screening for postpartum depression twice during pregnancy, how your personality may impact whether you get PPD, how trained healthcare... by Katherine Stone |
If you didn't already know, Discovery Health's all-new Baby Week is this week. Tomorrow,Tuesday, March 2nd at 8pm, they will premiere "Postpartum Nightmares". Their description of the show: "In this compelling special, we'll explore a topic... by Katherine Stone |
I read a lot of stuff. Thanks to the explosion of the blogosphere, it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with all the great writing and sharing going on about postpartum anxiety, so I’ve missed a few things lately. The first thing I missed was a great...