by Katherine Stone |
After I wrote last week about my opinion that women with postpartum depression should try to seek out a specialist for treatment, I heard from a family physician in a major metropolitan city who told me that her patients now need to wait 5 months to get in to see any... by Katherine Stone |
It's Postnatal Depression Week down under in Australia. (For the uninitiated, postnatal depression isthe "Queen's English" termfor postpartum depression.) Beyondblue, the national depression initiative in Australia, conducted a survey to find outwhat... by Katherine Stone |
Massachusetts General Hospital's Center for Women's MentalHealthis conducting two clinical trials that may be of interest: Bipolar Disorder in Pregnancy: If you are pregnant and diagnosed with bipolar disorder (or manic depression), you may be eligible for...
by Katherine Stone |
Perhaps you’ve seen a list of symptoms on other health websites, but I doubt you’ve seen one like this. We’re going to talk about the signs of postpartum depression and anxiety, but in “plain mama English”. We won’t use words like...