by Katherine Stone |
Here's your weekly update of just a few of the brave and wonderful moms around the internet who are writing about their experiences with postpartum depression and related illnesses. Thank you Warrior Moms! The mom at Annaleigh Designs shares a picture of the quilt... by Katherine Stone |
Interesting (but unscientific) poll going on over at the Cafe Mom website. They’re asking the question, in an area called “New Mom Secrets”: If you suffered from postpartum depression, would you keep it to yourself? Thus far, here are the results:... by Katherine Stone |
As I'm not a clinician, I sometimes have a hard time understanding the medical-school-speak used in the research results published in journals. It's important for us all to know what the research finds, but sometimes I just find myself confused and not sure... by Katherine Stone |
The National Association of Certified Professional Midwives has announced its endorsement of the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act. "As midwives we know first-hand the crucial important of support for women during hte postpartum period, including the value of...