by ADriane Nieves |
Warrior Mom Kass shares her infertility story today as a guest contributor. Although she knew she was at risk for developing postpartum depression and anxiety because of her existing bipolar disorder, she was still surprised and disappointed to find herself in the...
by ADriane Nieves |
Today I’m happy to welcome Raivon Lee from Climb Out Team Atlanta to the Warrior Mom community and share her story with you. Raivon wanted a natural birth at home, but the stress of a breech baby and C-section were the start of her experience with postpartum...
by Esther Dale |
Over the last 4 ½ years, I’ve become a vocal and outspoken advocate on the issue of Postpartum Depression, and it’s equally nasty but lesser-known bedfellows such as Postpartum OCD and Postpartum Psychosis (not the full list of PPMD, by the way). I’m very up front and...
by Katherine Stone |
Will I ever get better from postpartum depression? Will I ever get back to the old me, the one who wasn’t like this? Will I ever recover from postpartum anxiety? Or postpartum OCD? Will my pregnancy depression ever go away entirely? My psychosis? Am I...