For every Amy Philo, there are 100 women who support and understand the importance of the MOTHERS Act. I was very disappointed to not even see one of them represented.

As a postpartum depression survivor, I know too well how the disease can blindside someone who is not properly educated on the illness. And as far as this quote:

"Women who have been healthy all their lives, who haven't suffered lots of anxiety and depressive symptoms, are unlikely to have problems in the postpartum period — not even close to likely," says Michael O'Hara, a University of Iowa professor of psychology …

I have never suffered from anxiety or depression, I have a Masters Degree, a supportive husband and family, and am financially stable … like many women who have battled PPD. The idea that it is unlikely for a woman to have PPD if she hasn't had a history of depression is foreign to anyone who has truly studied the illness. It is not a respecter of persons.

Your article was un-balanced and under-researched, and an unfortunate misuse of Time Magazine's influence on society. You could have helped so many women if you would have stuck to the facts.

Kim Rogers