I try to keep up on stuff for y'all. I try to make sure that I read every damn thing I cancram into this overstuffed, overtaxed brain so that we won't miss something important, or something inspirational, or something informative about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

You know how I know my brain is overtaxed? 'Cause I have played the I Spy Memory Game with my four-year-old daughter at least 23 times over the last several weeks and I have never won. Not once. And no, I'mNOT throwing the games just because I'm a sweet mama who wants her 4-year-old to feel like she can win a game. She is beating me fair and square. And as of the last 5 or so games, I've really tried to concentrate super hard, yet she still kicks my ass.

Tonight I opened up my Google Reader because my husband is busy doing something on his computer so I can actually look at mine on a Saturday night without feeling guilty that I'm ignoring him during our personal time together. There were like 857 posts I needed to read. So I've been going through them as best I can and wanted to point out a few …

A great piece from Ann Dunnewold's Who Says? blog about stigma and mothers and mental health

Kimberly from All Work and No Play Makes Mommy Go Something Something on what postpartum depression means to her

Lauren Hale from Sharing the Journey's "Breast Cancer, Diabetes Screening Worth It; Postpartum Depression Screening Not"