This just in from Helena Bradford with specific dates on the upcoming television coverage around PPD:
* Oprah’s interview with Brooke Shields will be May 4th
* The Today Show will have a 3-part series — May 5, 6, 9
I’m not quite sure yet who among our compatriots will be appearing on each show. I’ll let you know. Needless to say, I wish I could be on every show to trumpet on the mountaintops about how important this subject is.
Meantime, I sent one of Oprah’s producers the following email, in anticipation of the show:
In Oprah’s new mini-book that came out with the 5th Anniversary issue, the November 2002 “What I Know For Sure”, she writes:
“Before a child can even talk, she looks to her parents and other adults to confirm that she counts, that her existence means something. Toni Morrison once told me that when a child’s parents enter a room, that child is unconsciously asking herself, ‘Do my mom’s and dad’s eyes light up when they see me? Do they think I matter?’”

What a great statement about the importance of quick and effective treatment for new mothers suffering postpartum mood disorders. The eyes of women in the throes of these illnesses rarely light up at anything. So treatment and recovery is not only important to the health of the mother, but also to the children of those mothers, who even as infants need to know how much they are loved.