Some moms start suffering postpartum panic attacks as the chief manifestation of postpartum anxiety. Panic attacks can involve having a racing heart, tightening in the chest or chest pains, shortness of breath, hyperventilating, dizziness or feeling weak, numbness and tingling and/or muscle cramps.
People who are having them often don’t recognize them for what they are. Instead, they may think they are having a heart attack, or a stroke, or are suffering from some awful disease. Amy from Twisted Tiara was kind enough to share her postpartum panic and postpartum anxiety experience with the readers of Postpartum Progress via this Guest Post.

A year ago, if you’d invited me to the beach, to shop an amazing sale, or even to meet you for coffee, I would have said no. I would have told you I had an upset stomach or a prior commitment.
In truth, I have Postpartum Anxiety and Panic Disorder. A year ago, not long after the birth of my third child, I was reluctant to leave my house unless I had absolutely no choice.
I have had some anxious tendencies all my life, which I understand much better in hindsight than I did at the time. My last pregnancy and postpartum period, however, brought forth panic like I had never known. I felt edgy, nervous, and agitated all the time. The full-scale panic attacks began during the pregnancy, and worsened after delivery.
The panic attacks seemed to come from nowhere. They would often begin with difficulty concentrating, dizziness, or a tingling sensation under my skin, almost like my entire body had “fallen asleep.” The initial feeling freaked me out and heightened my perception of every little sensation in my body. My thoughts turned to potential causes of the symptoms: Was it a heart attack, a seizure, a tumor, a stroke?
The fear of dying or having a medical crisis increased the panic, which only caused more physical symptoms. I would shake, sweat, develop phantom pains all over, and believe I was a hair’s breadth away from passing out. I felt completely out of control.
I developed phobias. I became afraid to drive, because the helplessness caused by the panic made me feel incapable of maintaining control of a vehicle. Horrifying thoughts of passing out behind the wheel and killing my children plagued me. I hated to do the dishes because I was afraid to handle the sharp knives. What if I had a psychotic break and stabbed myself, my children? I didn’t trust myself to stay me; it was as if a hideous beast was lurking beneath my skin, poised to take control and destroy my world.
“What if,” became my mantra. My thoughts constantly strayed to, “What if (insert horrible incident here)?” I began each day in fear of my own mind. “What if I have a panic attack today? What if this time I really lose my mind, permanently?”
I hated being alone. I was sure that I was dying of an undiagnosed disease, and that it was only a matter of time before I dropped to the floor in front of my daughters, traumatizing them for life and abandoning them against my will. More than once, my husband had to hold me and convince me that I didn’t need to go to the emergency room. Still, I had a complete cardiology workup, MRI, and so much blood work I’m surprised I didn’t run dry.
Day after day, I white knuckled it, pissed off at this damn disease of postpartum anxiety for robbing me of happy days with my family, yet too fragile to fight it. More than once I found myself thinking, “If I have to feel this way forever, I’d rather be dead.” My family was the only thing that kept me getting out of bed in the morning.
I began talk therapy, during which I was given advice on using cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to manage my phobias. I struggled through months of trial and error before finding medications and dosages that helped quell the symptoms enough for me to start gathering strength again.
I built my arsenal of weapons against the panic. I loaded my mp3 player with meditation and affirmation podcasts that I could listen to as I drove. I took note of anything that relaxed me, so I could turn to it when I felt my anxiety build. (These things are so random: Anything from having my daughter brush my hair to listening to Harry Potter audio books.) I wrote quotes and positive messages on index cards and carried them with me. “You are in control.” “It is going to be a great day!” I listened to empowering songs. I started keeping a journal. I learned creative visualization techniques.
I also committed to anxiety prevention. I limit the things I do out of obligation, and I remove myself from triggering situations without feeling too guilty. I pay attention to my diet, since hunger, thirst, or sudden drops in blood sugar seem to leave me vulnerable to panic. I try hard to get enough sleep. I take my meds correctly.
I’m still fighting, but I have hope again. Last summer, I thought I was a lost cause. It took a lot of time and effort, but now I know I have the power to defeat the panic. Everyone does. If you’re struggling, please keep fighting.

When you’re ready, I’d love to meet you for coffee.
You can read more about the symptoms of postpartum anxiety and get help for postpartum depression and anxiety.
I LOVE this post. This is and was me. I have suffered terrible panic attacks since an accident I had a few years ago. It is so great to her another woman's story as no one I know suffers this. Where can I ask for permission to republish this in my blog? Thank you!
I can't give you permission to republish it, but you are certainly welcome to link to it!
This is EXACTLY me. When I started developing symptoms, panic attacks and crippling anxiety was the forefront of my illness. I thought I was losing my mind and since the panic attacks were worse when I left the house I stayed home. That developed into agoraphobia and I locked myself in my home for weeks.
This is such a topic that needs to be talked more of because I was always feeling like I was going to die. I never knew that this was a symptom of PPD/PPA.
Thank you SOOOOOO much for sharing this.
Hugs to you.
Panic attacks are the worst. Since I still suffer them from time to time (my daughter is 2 1/2). My husband and I have worked out a rating scale 1-10. If I am in an uncomfortable situation and the "tingling arms" or "floaty/spacy" feeling in my head begins…I give him my number of severity and he quickly takes over watching the kids and getting me home. I've found ativan is amazing for stopping anxiety attacks.
I also started a "what if" tree when I was having the "what if" thoughts. I took all the "what ifs" and wrote them on a piece of paper (similar to a family tree style) and forced myself to write something positive at the end of each statement….what if this is completely temporary and I'll feel fine in a few minutes. What if I never have another panic attack again…
Thank you so much for sharing your story….it helps us all to better understand the powerful effects of the mind, body , and nervous system …and how those coping mechanism can go completely astray…and defy no logic. But the experience is real !! Glad you are feeling beter !
Wow- I felt so similar during my last trimester and until recently (Im 6 mo PP). I also am learning to fight this by going to counseling and pretty much never left the hosue for 3 months which was easy to do since all I had to tell people is " Its flu season and the Dr said not to expose the baby". Then April came and I realized that excuse wasnt valid..
Continued prayers for your recovery (and all the others who suffer from this).
I do this same thing and did not even realize that it’s because of this.
You're not the only one that has come up with excuses for why to not reach out to the doctor. It happens all the time. I'm glad, however, that you realized what you were going through was a valid enough reason to reach out for help. Keep taking care of yourself!!
Thank you for sharing your experience. What an encouragement to other Mothers encountering similar things.
What a great way to capture the exact thoughts and feelings of panic and anxiety. I never had anxiety let alone panic attacks until after my second child 15 months ago. It is still a daily struggle although there is less panic and more anxiety now which is more manageable. Thanks for sharing. I don't think that many people make the connection to it being a postpartum issue that is cureable with the right help.
This is exactly how I felt in the weeks after having my daughter. It actually lasted through the year and through various tries of medications. It subsided for about 2 years until I was pregnant with my son and a year later, I am still coping. I have found many mechanisms much like you to overcome it and have done countless hours of research to try to figure out the triggers of it. Initially I thought it was a lack of estrogen but as I’m finding, it is a lack of progesterone! I am on a mission to help every woman who suffers to get help and not be afraid of what they are facing, we are normal! While progesterone levels might not be what causes it for everyone, I am a fan of getting the word out even if it only helps one person. Your family doctor can do a simple test to see if this might be a trigger. Best luck and calm vibes to everyone!
Hi, i just gave birth last nov 16, 2015 and i’m really bothered about what i felt right now til’ i come up to this page. This is really what i felt right now is there any way for us to cope up with this? is there any treatment/? why do we have this?
I’m so glad you’ve found this space. I’m going to add a link here to doctors and therapists that may be able to help you. Reaching out for help is the first step to getting better. You can and will get better in time, mama. It’s best to have help to work through it. I’m hoping you can find someone near you on this list:
I gave birth nov 16, 2015 also and had my very first panic attack 2 days after. Ever since then, its been 24/7 non stop for me. I’ve been fighting this without meds, I’m not doing it alone of course ive got people I talk to that’s been through it and I have my faith, husband, and 3 wonderful children that keep me going daily! I have my good days and my bad days but I get through it. I’m curious to know how your doing now?
I feel like we get this because we love our children so much and want to be the best parents and the thought of something bad happening causes so much anxiety. That’s how I felt anyways after I asked myself why?
I felt almost the same thing, although not as severe, but close. It was not related to pregnancy, as I am a man. It’s great to read this type of thing because I know that I am not alone and not losing my mind. Thanks.
This is amazing that you shared this story, as when i was going through this, i felt like i was the only person in the world, and that i was loosing my mind, i started getting the panic attacks when my son was 8 days old, they were herrendous. i had to call the paramedics on several occasions, convinced i was dying from a heart attack, and the feeling i was loosing control. ive been on meds now for 7 years and they really do help. i remember when health visitors and doctors used to tell me it will get better, i never beleived them, i thought it was the end for me, but fortunatly it does get better with the right help.
hugs to you
I’m actually going through this now I have birth 2 weeks ago tomorrow and every since leaving hospital I have felt like this I just wish it would go away I keep thinking I have a lump in my throat and that I’m going to die I really wish I could fight this coz its making me really unhappy !
I googled for help and this post has come to my aid. No one mentioned anxiety attacks as a postpartum possibility to me. When I didn’t get depressed I thought whew, misses the baby blues! Today I had a panic attack & now I have an appt. to see my Obgyn. Thanks to your sharing I’m feeling empowered!
I hope your appointment with the OB/GYN went well and was helpful to you. We’re thrilled that you’re feeling empowered!! And yes, anxiety attacks are definitely a potential symptom of postpartum anxiety. ~ K
Thank you so, so much. This is exactly what I’m going through and gives me hope!!!
Glad to hear it Louise!!
I am a mum with 3 kids. exactly this time last year when my youngest wee girl was 8 months old after not feeling great for a few days I took her in the car to the shops and had a massive panic attack when driving.this started a daily fight with panic and anxiety that I can only describe as the worst experience I think i will ever have to deal with. I didn’t sleep for days on end and was living with a feeling of terror all the time, I had dramatic weight lose. My mum took me to the doctors were they prescribed me meds which initially I took very reluctantly. I went to counselling and to be honest at the beginning I think I was to ill to even take in anything that the counsellor was saying. I am a very happy, confident, outgoing person but this period of my life made me question everything about myself like so many others I thought I was losing my mind and was going to be locked away. I kept thinking what if I lose control and do something stupid or out of character cause I just didn’t know who I was anymore. I have in the last number of months made great improvements. I have made sure that I challenge myself everyday and that helps me a lot as I think if you have been able to do something one day no reason why you can’t the next. The meds help but you also need to help yourself at the beginning this scared me so much because I didn’t know how you would even begin to fight this but as time goes on you realise you are the same person and something like this can’t change who you are. So much has come out of this experience that is a blessing. The relationship my husband and I have is so strong and special, I’m much more self aware and have a new appreciation of all I have. I am trying to set up a support group in my local area as this is badly needed. I never thought I would ever feel as well as I do now but time heals and things will get better maybe like me even better than they were before xxx
What meds did they give u ?
This is exactly what is happening to me. It’s terrible. Not to mention I am a single mom, and after going 3 months w/o an attack, I had one last night while I was home alone with my daughter! It was the worst thing ever. Now today of course im fearing of having another one, feeling unsafe to watch her because what if I have another one? Im wondering what medication you took, and how you are doing a few years after this was written? Thank you for this article, it really helped me to know that i’m not alone!
I can only imagine how scary that must have been for you. I hope you have reached out to a doctor to talk about the panic attacks you are having – you can get help to deal with that! We try not to talk about specific medications here since what helps one mom won’t necessarily help another. That’s a conversation best had with your doctor.
~ K
I just had a baby three weeks ago and have been suffering from panic attacks…. I’m going to fight it though, I WILL be me again!
I had my baby November 21 and was hospitalized November 22 for 4 days because of panic attacks. It’s been a bit of a roller coaster ever since – I finally realized a few weeks ago that I’ve had PDD/PPA all along. Knowledge is power. It will get better.
How are you doing now? In 2014.
i wish i could talk to you
Im so Glad i read this. I feel exactly the same since my daughter was born
She is 5 now. I hope it gets better soon. 🙁
i’m a new mom..and i can relate to this.
thanks for posting.. this is what i’m going through right now 😉
i’m happy to face the new ME.
I am going through this right now. It started 3 weeks ago and did the whole ER / every test in the book thing
I was 5 months post pardom with my third child when I had my first attack brought on by nearly passing out in, of all things, a yoga (not hot) class
I had trouble accepting that I was having panic attacks but medication is helping
It’s been rough, I was feeling pretty good these last few days (still having a slight sensation each day) but yesterday while picking up my child from school (with my 2 other children in the car) a big one came on. I kept thinking I think I can get the car in park before I pass out. I didn’t but luckily we don’t live far from her school. Last night I battled episode after episode of attacks. I am trying to stay positive and thinking of this as a “two steps forward one step back” kind of thing.
After much googling and finding this post has given me encouragement and is the first I’ve posted about what I’m going through
I’m so glad you found us Carrie and that you reached out for help. Thank you so much for sharing what you are going through with us. You are definitely NOT alone.
I’m so glad I found this, I had my first panic attack almost a year ago. I got a prescription for meds but am too scared to take them. I have them under control to some extent, I used to have several a day or a whole day of panic but now only when something happens. I do think almost daily I have some terminal illness and just recently started fearing having another baby although that’s what I want. Someday o think I need help and by the next day when I have an appointment I think I’m ok. Tired of it ruling me though.
Megan, I’m so sorry you are still struggling with panic disorder. If you aren’t interested in medication have you considered therapy? I think you should definitely follow through on an appointment, because even if you think you are feeling better and don’t need it, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone you could go to if they get bad again for any reason who could give you some tools to use and some suggestions on getting through them? Plus, worrying on a daily basis that you have a terminal illness isn’t something that you should have to deal with. A trained counselor could help you with the anxiety that may be causing those worries. There is no reason to have to continue to be ruled by this, as you say. Reach out for help!! You are worth it.
I sure do want to do therapy. I will be making an appointment with my gp very soon.
I am on meds for this and was very nervous about them at first too. But the more people you talk to about this the more you will learn that others are taking them and they’re a big help when you going through the worst of it. I am starting to wean myself now. I also see a psychologist and it is a great help to just unload my stuff on her. A good book to get to help your brain is the Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne. Some very good relaxing techniques in there. A psych nurse that I know also suggested Mindful Meditation so I am going to look into that as well.
Take care
Thank you so much. It’s days like today when I’m fine I usually talk myself out of going to the doctor but I’m tired of constantly fighting myself when it’s bad so I am going to see a doctor and I may just do as I’m told this time. I hope to be able to do therapy but living in very regional Australia might make that difficult.
Loving it <3 It is already few years since I was struggling with these issues, but still it feels great to read that someone has gone through exactly the same feelings. For me it was 3 months after the birth of each of our two kids when things started to go to very wrong direction. Yoga and temporary medication were the best remedies for me. Now I'm fine and the kids are fine, or great, actually 🙂
You have said it all
This article was very helpful, i wish i had someone like you to talk to,
A.lynn – You can join our private forum and talk with many moms who are going through something similar. This is how you join:
OMG!! This describes me to the T”. I am a young mother(21) of 3beautiful children. I thought i had something wrong with me because i felt like I couldnt go on for whatever reason. finally i know and accept that i have anxiety. Thinking back i was angry for no reason or would get quicky irritated in the last 6months of pregnacy. I thought maybe hormones was the case and cause. If you dont mind me asking, what meds do/did you take? Im not a fan of medication i like to work through obstacles and i am very independent. I cant seem to shake the feeling sometimes but ive been pushing through so that i am in control of this problem. Im not your ordinary young mom you can say. I take pride in my kids and drive myself to the ground just to make sure theyre loved equally, eating properly, inschool, dressed nicely, brushed teeth, and happy ETC.. Ive set 2 goals, 1. To potty train my daughter (2yrs old) 2. To find a job. Ive completed each goal;) within 2months!! But then here comes ANXIETY. SHOULDNT I BE HAPPY? YES I SHOULD, BUT i sorta dont care and thats selfish.
Brittany – Meds used to treat anxiety are usually antidepressants and/or anti-anxiety medications. You can ask your doctor more about them. Some milder forms of anxiety may not need to be treated with medications, but women with moderate to severe anxiety often need them in order to recover. Best of luck to you in whatever you decide!
This article helped me realize I am
Not alone. I’m almost 4 months post partum and have breathing problems and panic so bad I can’t even move. I did a pulmonary function test went to hospital 2times got all types of
Tests done also went to OBGYN and everyone seems to think it’s anxiety. My OBGYN said to go to a lung specialist but she thinks it’s panic because I am not wheezing of anything like that. Did anyone else experience breathing problems?
I can not believe what I’m reading! I finally am at a point of totally losing it and I came across this and completely broke down. To know that others are going through the same thing gives me hope. I don’t feel like I’ll ever be myself again. I’m 28 and have had major panic attacks since about age 22. Been to the er countless times and have tried every medication for anxiety since I was 16 then tried again at 22. I have since learned how to control breathing so I don’t get “stuck” anymore. Muscles get so tense and just lock up! It’s the worst. Hasn’t happened to me since I was 22 until the day after Christmas 2014. My daughter was born on 08/23/14. I woke up feeling tingling in my legs and tried to ignore it. It escalated quick and my dad had to rush me to the er as I was fearing that something else was wrong since I’ve learned to control my breathing. Turns out they said I was hyperventilating in my sleep and that’s what caused the panic. I’m very fortunate to have my parents living next to me so it’s helped my panics. I’ve been having them daily since she was born. If I’m not panicking, I’m thinking about the next time I will panic and how long it will last next time, and I try to stay away from triggers. (Feeling hung over, eating too much, caffeine.) I’ve always had emergency meds (Xanax) and still have it. Haven’t taken it in almost 2 years. I will not get on daily meds right now as I’m breast feeding. I know the extreme process I’ll have to go through if I have to take my meds. It’s almost like I get extra anxiety knowing if I take meds I have to have someone come take care of the baby and I’ll have to pump and dump. I’m actually scared to stop breast feeding for fear I’ll spiral out of control and have to be medicated. This is torture! This is no way to love. I feel so bad my daughter sees me panic every day and I hope she never feels this. It’s awful. To be honest I’m scared of having another baby because I don’t want to feel this way. I’ve been in counseling now for about a month. I found someone who is with me in my plan not to take meds and she said she can help me. So far it’s only got worse. I need advise on how to make your partner understand. My boyfriend is helpful once in a while but basically tells me it’s all in my head and get over it. He also forces me to go outside of my comfort zone knowing I’ll panic to make me deal with it. And I understand what he’s trying to do but I don’t think it’s working. It’s getting worse. I want to stop benign scared like this every day.
Btw thank you for posting this. I already feel like I’m not alone in this.
Melissa – I’m sorry you are suffering. You are definitely not alone. Many moms have dealt with the very same symptoms and troubles you are now. I’m glad you’ve reached out for help. Getting professional help for illnesses like these is absolutely necessary. I’m hoping the counseling will help you. Could you ask your boyfriend to come along with you to a counseling session? I’ve done that with my spouse and found that it helped him to hear from a professional that I was sick and that I needed support, especially from my spouse. Hopefully this is something your boyfriend would be open to. You will get better with time. Keep reaching out and hang on to the hope that these are treatable illnesses that don’t last forever.
Thank you so much for your support. I have another appt tomorrow and I’ve asked her if she will talk to him and she said yes. I think it will be easier if he understands the severity of this illness. He just tells me it’s in my head and I need to get over it. He tries to help by pushing me I to situations he knows I’m uncomfortable with so I’ll be forced to deal. I understand what he’s trying to do and I don’t expect people to cater to this as I think it will get worse but I think at this point he’s definitely making it worse. I’ve refused medication for so long now I just don’t want to start. I look at my emergency meds all of the time but have yet to give in. I’m so scared if I stop breast feeding that I’ll give in and then always use the meds to stop this. I panic all hours of the day and when I’m not I’m worried about when the next time I’ll be panicking. It’s torture and I just hope this psychologist can help me without meds. I feel like these attacks are taking a serious toll on my body physically and mentally. Of course I’m such a hypo that I think everything is wrong with me anyways but I need a vice. Something that I can look forward to. Some sort of guarantee this will not last forever. This is no way to live and I feel like my daughter can feel every time I’m panicking. I often wonder if this will happen to her and what effects my anxiety and panicking will have on her.
Mellissa don’t worry I was going through the same situation as u …. I was also scared of starting meds n being addicted…. N finally I decided that I was going to take it….. I started to take them every day for about 3 weeks n I stopped to see if I was addicted to it n no I wasn’t I didn’t need to take them anymore…. But now I started back on them cause I deliverd my baby girl 2 days ago n I started to have another panic attack so I am going to keep taking them until I feel like myself once again … N stop once I do …. Hope my life experience helps u out :)… Take care n god bless u n ur family….
Jesenia thank you so much. I’m scared to try and have another baby for fear it will happen even worse. I’m 6 months post partum and these physical panics are simply out of control. My boyfriend has agreed to meet with my counselor but who knows if it will help. I really hope so. I’m still breast feeding so I’m scared to take the meds. I think I will try something when I stop breast feeding. More panic ensues when I think about what these panic attacks are doing to my body and heart so I’ll try it. Best of luck to you. Please keep me updated on your progress.
Oh my god! This is ME!!! I had panic attacks before I was pregnant but they’ve gotten worse after having my son. I’m sharing this article with my doctor because I can’t come up with the right words to explain how I feel. Thank you for this!
Thank you for posting your personal experience and sharing it with the world …. I had thought I was the only mom that was going throw this alone ….. N that I was going crazy…. But now I know I am not alone n that there’s other moms that suffer exactly like me… Once again thank u for posting this story….
Certainly Jesenia! You are definitely NOT going through this alone. Not at all. There are lots of moms who are going through this as well. And you don’t have to keep living with these symptoms – you can get help!
I just gave birth to my son and I’m having trouble with it. I feel like I’m going to do something to hurt him or myself, even though I know I don’t have it in me, the thoughts of it won’t stop. Being in the hospital, away from my partner and having a new being that depends on me is not only overwhelming, it feels surreal and very frightening. This is a huge life change, and though I know I’m not alone, I feel it. I feel like I need to cry and run away at the same time. I’m tired and scared and only three days into motherhood, how am I supposed to cope?
I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. As you already know, you’re not alone. Have you reached out for professional help? Speak with you doctor about what is happening to you. There are effective treatments available that you can start right away. You don’t have to keep feeling this way. There is hope, mama.
This is me… I cried while reading it. Thank you it’s nice to know others go through this in such an extreme form. I can’t expla how many time I want to give up. The extreme amount of fear I feel, or how it’s taken away my entire life from me. No one truly understands and it makes you feel even worse
Nicki – We understand and we’re here for you. If you want to talk with more moms who understand, join our online private forum here: You’re not alone.
Don’t give up! It will go away, I felt like it would never end but it does. I found that I was sleep deprived and low on progesterone. Talk with your doctor. I started myself on natural progesterone cream b/c I wasn’t getting anywhere with my doctor and it has made a WORLD of difference. Even just being on the low side of normal with your progesterone levels makes you all out of whack. I use Dr. Randolph’s Natural Progesterone Cream. It was the best $50 I ever spent. I couldn’t afford it at the time but I was at my wits end! Hang in there, it does end!!!
Almost a year has gone by since my first post which was when I first started having panic attacks
For all of you who are going through it right nor know that it will get better
I haven’t had an attack for several months
I did have to do meds and therapy (acceptance and commitment ACT therapy) which i think were both key to how I feel now
You will get through this
After my second child when he was 15 months I ended up with severe anxiety and heart palpitations I thought I was having a heart attack and I think it’s from child birth it’s scary to go through
I see that this post was from a few years ago but I relate to this so much I’m a 21 year old mom , with a eight month old baby girl , around four months after I had her I lost my mind , everyday is a constant battle to even take a walk outside my house yet alone go out or do something like shopping , I have been to the ER around ,15 times thinking that I’m dieing of a heart attack or that I have a blood clot in my lungs , I’ve had more ekgs and xrays than someone should have in.a.lifetime , I’m terrified of not seeing my daughter grow up , then later I was diagnosed with shingles I would imagine all this anxiety and.stress brought.It on , overall I’ve been miserable I think I’m dieing of something doctors haven’t found.yet , I’m beyond.frustrated and now I start therapy on Tuesday I.need my life back .
Janette, it’s so good to hear that you start therapy on Tuesday. I’m sorry you’ve been struggling for so long. It shouldn’t be this way, and you CAN get back to yourself. Be honest with the therapist and they will be able to give you the help you need to get better. This is treatable. Hang in there and keep reaching out for help.
I was in tears reading this. It says everything I haven’t been able to put in to words. My panic started when I was 9 months pregnant with my first baby. It’s now five years and 3 babies later and the anxiety is worse than ever. Thank you for being so brave and sharing! It helps to remember we’re not alone.
Hi Colleen, I’m so glad you felt less alone reading this! Have you spoken to anyone about your anxiety, especially now that it’s worse? I’m sorry you have had to deal with this for so long, mama.
I had my baby in March of this year and have struggled since. It started as anxiety and acute panick attacks right after I had him and now it’s just some anxiety symptoms and this constant shortness of breath feeling. It really sucks cuz most people don’t feel short of breath all the time. I’ve had a lot of blood work. Still have yet to get the full panel thyroid test and I need a hormone test. Meds have helped some and I want to delve deeper into yoga and or meditation.
Same i listened to harry potter books too. They help a ton!!!
I love your post , its the only one i find to match my feelings and everything that happened with me after i delivered my second baby. I was always iphohodric but i never was frighten about life and death or about dying in a horrible way. This 4 month after delivery they war so hard, i felt nobody understands my , my husband my family , i was exactly like you, i always think what if(horrible thougt) will happen, what if … I think i will die like this like that … Omg , i am trying to overcome this feelings , but is really hard. I hope that ill not be like this forever . I am over counciouss about every thing in my body, if any pain i make 1000 movies in my head and i imagine the worst , i hope that with time ill be able to fight this :(. Really helpful your story , it gives hope . ( sorry for mistakes , english is not my mother tongue) good day!
Ps: accopuncture helped and talking with ppl 🙂 if any other methods pls share
This is exactly how I feel now! I have been struggling every day anxiety so bad I shake and sweat and cry! I’m in meds but they don’t do that great my daughter is now 1 year 4 months and I’m a single mom I’m so overwhelmed and just feel horrible I love my little girl so much she is the only thing keeping me going
Terra, please talk to your doctor about more help. Let them know that your meds are not keeping your from suffering every day. It does not have to be like this. If you can’t get a helpful response from your prescribing doctor, you can look for one that will listen and respond and truly help you. If you need help with that, please let me know. I’m happy to help –
Thank you so much for your story! I went through the exact same thing. You have described it so well. It makes me feel so much better knowing there are so many others who have had a similar experience.
I know it’s been five years since this article was written, but I feel the need to write a comment even if I don’t receive a reply. This is a long post, so sorry in advance.
During my first seven months of pregnancy, I was homeless and slept mostly outside, sometimes in motel rooms, shelters, and a friend’s place towards 5-6 months. Luckily I got into my own apartment through a housing program and had a beautiful baby girl two months later. I had thought my “happy ending with baby” was near, boy was I wrong.
I was majorally sleep deprived for the first month after baby was born and nothing seemed to help. I was unable to sleep when she was, not feeling happy, having really vivid nightmares (invisible entities, explosions, maggots, crazy stuff from a horror movie, etc), started to feel like I was choked all the time, felt like I was going insane, etc.
June 1st of 2016 I went to the grocery store while my boyfriend and our daughter stayed home, that was the first day I had a severe panic attack. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, my head felt like it had been smashed in, my heart was racing, throat felt dry/it had a lump, chest hurt, like I was dying.
I experienced about 4-5 panic attacks that lasted about an hour each, every day for two weeks after the initial incident. Anything could be a trigger; if I was hungry, tired, thirsty, upset baby, leaving my home, medicine, sedation, talking, someone talking to me, everything. I couldn’t relax, I always felt like I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t stop thinking about my breathing, I had migraines, my boyfriend had to do most of our daughter’s care, it was hard to eat and sleep, I felt insane and like a bad mother.
I then tried hypnosis, breathing techniques, distracting myself, more sleep, more breastfeeding for release of oxytocin, talking about it more, etc. It got so bad that I could not go shopping, to an appointment, on a walk, or to the mailbox without an I’m-Gonna-Die feeling.
My midwives prescribed Zoloft which gave me severe side effects so they told me to stop taking it. I felt like I was never going to get better, that I would someday have to explain why I couldn’t do stuff that “normal” mother’s do to my child, that I was going insane, that I was completely alone.
I booked an appointment with a psychiatrist, went on a trip to my mothers, and when I got home I went to my first appointment. I am now going on my third week of Prozac (a medication that’s helped me in the past) and although I still feel a lot of anxiety and panic, I have hope.
My baby is about to be three months and I’m finally starting to see a light. It takes living minute by minute, asking for help, and some faith. I am very thankful for this article and I hope it helps many more women out there who are dealing with post partum anxiety. Good luck to everybody!
I’ve suffered anxiety ever since I was 16. I’m 29 now, and they’re still here. Been through a lot of therapy, always refused meds however. For some time it seemed to be out of my life for good. But now it’s back in the strongest way I’ve ever experienced. I was brought up by a very strong mother that does not accept weakness and consequently has always had very poor reactions when I reached out for help. I was always judged as a spoiled person with no sense of responsibility. I also never had any stability at my parents. I was always changing houses, schools and friends due to my father’s job. My mother was always very violent (physically and verbally). I believe this has made my life worse in so many ways even though now I’m married to a very kind man, we have the cutest apartment and the prettiest baby girl. I wish I was able to be a good mother to her, there was nothing I ever wanted more than this baby. My panic attacks keep me worried all day and leave me wrecked at night. I’m unable to eat when home alone and make a terrible feeder for my baby. The minute she refuses a spoon, I freak out. I’m terrified of being alone with my daughter as I can’t help thinking the worst will happen so rather than sitting home with her, I come to my mother’s where I get attacked and insulted for the smallest things. I come to hers because my sick mind tells me that if anything happens to me, she’ll be able to take care of Lily (my daughter is only one and a half). They call this the Stockholm syndrome I guess? I have a sister that doesn’t provide much help as she doesn’t get it and simply tells me to “snap out of it”. I’d love to read any success stories so please do get in touch if you have any tips for at least coping with the crippling fear of being alone at home with my baby. The poor thing totally feels my state of mind and goes on frequently without eating anything. I feel so helpless and hopeless. Everybody seems to have their life in perfect order, my own life seems perfect seen from the outside but it’s just so messed up on the inside. What can I do, I just don’t know. Therapy is expensive in Italy and I can’t afford it at the moment. Free consultations generally suck and doctors barely listen to you.
I apologize for the long post but I’ve just gotten out of a panic attack and really needed to vent out.
Oh mama, I am so sorry you’ve been struggling like this for so long. And I’m sorry help is so hard to come by, it just should not be that way.
We do have a private forum, filled with thousands of other mamas from all over the world who will understand and know exactly what you mean, and understand. Perhaps you could find some good support there.
It’s 11 at night and I’m crying like a baby. I have been searching and searching, trying to figure out what’s wrong with me. I didn’t think it could possibly be anxiety. I have been in three Emergancy rooms in the passed month. Convinced I am dying. Convinced that “this is it” and I am losing my mind. It is more than comforting knowing that I am not alone. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I’m so sorry you’ve been struggling alone, Becca. We understand. You are certainly not alone, never.
I just had my son 4 weeks ago and omg the panic attacks were so bad. I kept thinking something was going to happen to him and I couldn’t stop crying it was so terrible. I still get them but not as bad . I am glad that I’m not alone ! ????
I thought i was alone until i read this! I have never had a problem with driving at all until after i had my son. And it didnt happen right away, it just started happening 6 months ago and he just turned 3. Everytime i know that i have to drive on highways and bridges, i panic. I panic so much that my heart starts racing and i feel like im having a heart attack. There were times that i would tell myself im ok, until i hit that bridge and i literally felt my heart pumping out of my chest. One time i even stopped in the middle of the bridge bcuz i thought i was dying! Ive cried soo much about it bcuz where I work, i have to go over one bridge, but thankfully no highways! I avoid those at all times. Somedays im good other days not at all! I call my mom on the bad days and she trys hard to get my mind off of me driving on the bridge; and somedays that works and some not. I dont know if u would call that post-partum anxiety. But after reading this it has made me feel alot better and now im definitely going to take the steps to get help!!
Reading that others are going through the same thing I have been dealing with the past 7 months since the birth of my daughter is a sigh of relief. Not all days are bad, but not all days are good. I have appointments with my OBGYN & GP in the coming weeks since I have finally admitted to myself this is not normal. Once you get into a panic attack it just becomes so hard to get your mind in a different direction without increasing the panic with phantom pains and feeling like everything is the end. Reading all of these stories gives me hope. And hope is greater than fear.
Thank you for writing this. I’m in the middle of a panic attack right now and I’m so relieved to know I’m not the only one experiencing phantom pains, hyper focusing on body sensations, and numbness. I’ve been laying here shaking, half of me wanting to wake up my husband to go to the ER and half of me knowing that this isn’t real.
Omg my story ????
Thank you so much for this post.. i developed panic attack during pregnancy once and during pospartum pregnancy few times.. At that time.. i had no idea about panic attacks.. but was always running to the hospital, emergency site….. feeling no idea what was happening to me.. i feel relieved by knowing .. im not the only one..