I'm finding there's a lot of research out this week on perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. As usual, I only have access to the abstracts, but for those of you who want to learn more, thought I'd share links to a few of them with some very basic, unscientific summations:
Stressful life events at onset of OCD are associated with a distinct clinical pattern – finds that OCD preceded by a stressful life event can be related to a history of, among other things, a complicated birth
Antidepressant use in early pregnancy – finds that "with the available data at hand, in most occasions the decision should incline towards adequate treatment of the psychiatric problems" rather than avoiding treatment because of pregnancy
Rural residence and risk for perinatal depression – looks at whether rural women are more likely to get PPD than average
Explaining the curvilinear relationship between age at first birth and depression among women – looks at how age of the mother at the time of the first birth may play a role in PPD
Screening practices for postpartum depression among various healthcare providers – doesn't look like it finds anything we didn't already know
There was more, but, that's as much as I can get up here today. Hope this is helpful for those of you following the research!