Dr. John Grohol at Psych Central has just published a blog post on the 7 Myths of Depression.All of these would, of course, apply to women with postpartum depression as well. A couple of thekey points he makes:
"In depression, time alone doesn’t help, nor does willpower (”Pull yourself up and stop feeling so sorry for yourself!”)."
"While the exact amount of time will vary from person to person based upon the severity of the disorder and how well the various treatments may work for each individual, most people who have depression do not need to be on medications for the rest of their lives (or be in treatment for the rest of their lives)."
He also points out that depression is not just a medical disease. It is actually much more complicated than that, and can include genetic factors, past history, current stressors, coping ability, level of social supportand more.
To read the whole piece, click here.