Bewildered? Bedraggled? Beside yourself? There is help that is open and available to you every week provided by caring experts who want to help women who may be suffering from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, their families and their caregivers. Every Wednesday, Postpartum Support International offers free phone sessions called "Chat with an Expert". You can get information on resources, symptoms and options about perinatal mood disorders from the privacy of your own home or office. There is no need to pre-register, or to even give your name if you would prefer to remain anonymous. Wednesday's safe and caring forum (Sept. 17) is at 12pm Eastern and will be facilitated by Linda Klempner, PhD. Click here for details.

Six Things
Meet Katherine

Katherine Stone is the creator of Postpartum Progress. She is a survivor of postpartum anxiety & OCD. Follow her on Twitter at @postpartumprog or on Instagram at @katherine_stone.

Six Things
Meet Katherine

Katherine Stone is the creator of Postpartum Progress. She is a survivor of postpartum anxiety & OCD. Follow her on Twitter at @postpartumprog or on Instagram at @katherine_stone.