#ClimbOut Update — Tools for Cool Climbers

I am on a business trip in California and had to sneak off to the bathroom yesterday so no one would see me crying.  Tears of pure joy, ladies!  I look at our map of the Climbs and my heart is swelling with pride and a tangible sense of our amazing community of...
About Postpartum Progress

About Postpartum Progress

Welcome! Postpartumprogress.com is the world’s most widely-read blog dedicated to maternal mental illness. It offers warm, positive, in-depth information, support and hope for all pregnant and new moms who experience postpartum depression and all other mental...

I Am a Survivor?

[Editor’s Note: Parts of this post may be triggering as this Warrior Mom and survivor mentions suicide and names some moms who did not survive postpartum mood and anxiety disorders. Please read only if you are in a safe place. You are not alone. You can be a...