Dr. John Grohol over at Psych Central points out a new special report on the politics of mental illness in the liberal magazine The American Prospect. It sounds absolutely fascinating. I cannot wait to run out and get my paws on my own copy ASAP.

Many of the women who experience perinatal mood disorders are entering into the world of mental illness for the very first time in their lives. It’s not a group we would have chosen to join, but once we’re in, our eyes are opened to how different mentally ill people can be treated. This leads many of us to become passionate about issues like mental health education, awareness and parity, things that may never have occurred to us before. Here are just some of the articles in the special report, which you can read for free online:

Media & Madness by Richard Friedman, about how the news media and entertainment industry shape opinion on mental illness

Finding Funding by Pete Earley, about the creative ways some states have been able to get mental health funding

Pushing Parity by Patrick Kennedy, about insurance discrimination against people with mental illness