by Katherine Stone |
I've been writing this blog for six and a half years now. That's a long time. As you might imagine, I've had ups and downs along the way. Times when I would run out of energy, or times when things going on in my personal life just made it difficult to... by Katherine Stone |
Several of you have asked me to add some more survivor badges to the blog bling that already exists for survivors of postpartum depression, postpartum OCD, postpartum anxiety and postpartum psychosis. I've been asked for an antenatal depression survivor badge, a... by Katherine Stone |
Some of you are experiencing postpartum depression or anxiety with your very first child. Still others are having it with later children, and are having to parent several kids while dealing with PPD. So how do you care for your children while going through depression... by Katherine Stone |
So much openness and honesty … Amber Koter at Beyond Postpartum on hopelessness and postpartum depression. Elizabeth Lombino on the myth of the superhero mom and why PPD is so taboo. Mama Robin J on the game Jenga as a metaphor for PPD. (love...
by Katherine Stone |
A few days ago, I was visiting with a close friend who’s pregnant. We were talking about how things were going with her, how she was feeling; the usual pregnant talk. I noticed that she kept mentioning that she felt a little off, moodier than usual, even for her...