by Katherine Stone |
As I left the grocery store yesterday I saw a woman loading up her car with groceries while juggling her baby. Such a normal sight, but it immediately reminded me of my postpartum depression days and I felt that uncomfortable feeling you get in the pit of your... by Katherine Stone |
Do you know what your thyroid does? I didn’t, so I had to look it up before I could write about the fact that thyroiditis can cause symptoms that mimic postpartum depression. It turns out only a minority of women with postpartum depression have symptoms caused...
by Katherine Stone |
Today is my last day as a community leader for the Million Moms Challenge. A group of lovely new moms is about to take over for month three. I just want to exhort you — yes, EXHORT — to join the challenge. It’s easy. It’s free. And you can...
by Katherine Stone |
In my last post for the Million Moms Challenge before it wraps up, I write about the emotional health of our children. As I’ve explained before, the Million Moms Challenge is attempting to engage one million moms with mothers in the developing world around... by Katherine Stone |
You’d think it would have happened sooner. Seven years of advocacy and peer support for women with postpartum depression, and I hadn’t had to do it yet. This was the day. I am reluctant to get too involved in people’s lives. I want to support everyone, but I also...