by Katherine Stone |
My friend Rita Arens wrote about anxiety and parenting with a mental illness. “I’ve tried to insulate my daughter as much as I can from my anxiety, but when you live with people, it can be hard. Especially when you’re alone with them as much as...
by Katherine Stone |
I tell moms who have postpartum depression to see specialists whenever possible. I know this irks some, because a lot of women don’t have access to specialists. It doesn’t mean I think people who aren’t specialists will not do a good job treating...
by Katherine Stone |
You’ve been asking. Warrior Mom t-shirts. Postpartum Progress coffee mugs. Car decals. Tattoos. Warrior Mom charms. You’ve asked and asked and I’ve taken forever. I’m really sorry. But, we’re finally getting somewhere … I have...
by Katherine Stone |
So many people have been writing about postpartum depression lately that I can hardly keep up. When I started Postpartum Progress back in 2007, I was pretty much all on my own in writing publicly on the blogosphere about postpartum depression and anxiety. Now there... by Katherine Stone |
Researchers, clinicians and postpartum depression advocates are ALWAYS trying to determine the causes and risk factors of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. What we know for sure is that these illness are most likely caused by disruptions and challenges in a mom’s...