The 21-Day Self-Care Challenge: Day 20

The finish line is in sight for the 21-day self-care challenge! Everyone from the Dalai Lama to Oprah recommends that we count our daily blessings as a way to enrich our lives. Even on the worst days, stop, breathe, and connect with the ways in which life is valuable...

The 21-Day Self-Care Challenge: Day 19

We’re glad you’re here for the 21-day self-care challenge! With the rising availability of electronic entertainment in our homes, we are spending less and less time outdoors. Yet numerous studies have established that time spent in nature does fuel well-being. Outdoor...

Can You Spare Five Minutes For Yourself?

If you want to stop by the fabulous website 5 Minutes For Mom, I was a guest contributor there this weekend with a piece on how to take just five minutes to care for yourself. I shared 3 great, quick tips from Ann Dunnewold and Diane Sanford, which they offered as...

The 21-Day Self-Care Challenge: Day 18

You’ve persisted so admirably on this 21 day self-care challenge. Time for some fun! Children have an innate ability to have fun, taking pleasure in all kinds of silly delights. As we grow, the increasing responsibilities in our lives cause us to slowly drift away...

The 21-Day Self-Care Challenge: Day 17

The human brain isn’t the largest brain among mammals, but it is the most complex. So humans are able to process the concept of ‘choice,’ which leads to second-guessing and criticize ourselves (especially at dark-thirty, around 4 a.m.) Energy spent rethinking actions...

The 21-Day Self-Care Challenge: Day 16

Hang in there for this 21-day self-care challenge! Chores, chores, chores: an endless list. And never enough help. Study after study says women complete more housework than men. Whatever the situation at your house, endless housework competes with time for self-care....