Who Will You Thank? Thank A Blogger Day

So Liz Gumbinner from Mom-101 decided today should be Thank A Blogger Day. Great idea. I thanked a few people in the comments of her post, and then I thanked a few people on Twitter, and then I realized I'll get put in Twitter Time Out if I try and thank everyone...

The 21-Day Self-Care Challenge: Day 7

Another day of the 21 day self-care challenge under your belt! Another ten minutes invested in yourself to handle the demands of your world. Today, capitalize on the way women are socialized to “tend and befriend” under stress. Think about a close friend in your life....

Writing Through Postpartum Depression

Do you believe in serendipity? I didn’t think I did, but after tonight I might be changing my mind. As I was trying to come up with a topic for this post, I thought about what helps me the most when my depression is at its worst, when I don’t feel like putting one...