by Katherine Stone |
On this Veteran’s Day we are thinking of military moms with postpartum depression. First: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Veterans! … I think it’s important to remind people that military wives are at a greater risk of getting...
by Katherine Stone |
Recovering from postpartum depression is, unfortunately, a pretty hard process to get through. It’s not like you can take antibiotics and ten days later you’re all set and ready to go. The process of recognizing, getting treated for, and recovering...
by Katherine Stone |
Just a few of the mamas who spoke out about postpartum depression this week … Pamela at 2 Much Testosterone wrote about feeling sedated while undergoing treatment for postpartum depression. Grace at Arms Open Grace wrote about her postpartum depression breaking... by Katherine Stone |
If you aren't busy this weekend … 😉 From Psych Central, a story on the importance of conducting depression screens during pregnancy From the New York Times, a story on how the brains of mothers are bigger From Slate, a story on postpartum depression in... by Katherine Stone |
This week, Dr. Marlene Freeman wrote an article about antidepressants and the side effect of weight gain at the MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health website. The articled reviews several studies that looked into which antidepressant medications have been found... by Katherine Stone |
Fake it till you make it. I’ve always kind of despised that sentiment for its implication that only through disingenuousness will anyone be able to make others happy or comfortable. I prefer to see people as they are, warts and all; it’s only when I know the whole...