by Katherine Stone |
If you searched the internet this very minute, you’d think it was very clear what causes postpartum depression and how to treat it. I saw one website this morning about how you can use “therapeutic gemstones” to treat PPD, and another yesterday where... by Katherine Stone |
Welcome to November's Postpartum Progress poll. This month we're asking you about your risk factors for postpartum depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD and psychosis. We want to know, looking back, what things in your life may have been an indicator that you would... by Katherine Stone |
Think you are unfairly being denied mental healthcare for postpartum depression or related illnesses by your insurance company? When and how should you appeal a denial of coverage for mental health services? The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare has...
by Katherine Stone |
I never thought I had a good body. I was always really tall, kind of awkward, big feet, muscular thighs. I never really felt womanly or cute — mostly just like I took up an inordinate amount of space. At the same time, though, I wasn’t that self-conscious about... by Katherine Stone |
I am very excited to announce a new partnership. Very. Excited. I am now a columnist at AOL's ParentDish. ParentDish is a leading parenting website with millions of visitors monthly. It is upbeat, fun, informative and a little edgy. My column, called "If Mama... by Katherine Stone |
The results of our first Postpartum Progress Monthly Poll are in. The overwhelming majority of respondents said they received little to no information about postpartum depression and other mental illnesses related to childbirth in your childbirth education classes....