by Katherine Stone |
Psych Central reportson new researchthat maylead to a change indrug treatment for depression in the near future, focusing on a different kind of neurotransmitter instead of serotonin, norepinephrineand dopamine. The emerging opinion has scientists interested in a... by Katherine Stone |
As we have discussed previously, a mother’s depression can affect her child. This includes depression in pregnancy. Depression can negatively impact bonding and attachment. It can slow cognitive development. The longer the depression goes on, the more harmful... by Katherine Stone |
The time has come once again to nominate your favorite mental health consumer for a Voice Award. The Voice Awards honor both entertainment industry professionals and mental health consumers who have given a voice to people with mental health problems. They recognize... by Katherine Stone |
The 4th Annual LUNAFEST will be held Wednesday, March 10, at the Arlington Drafthouse to support Postpartum Support Virginia. LUNAFEST is a traveling film festival that donates all proceeds to charities that benefit women, and this is Postpartum Support Virginia's... by Katherine Stone |
Last week I was honored to be asked by BlogHer to write a few pieces on postpartum depression. BlogHer is the world's largest community of women who blog, with more than 20 million visitors per month. (!) Another one of my articles was posted today. It's... by Katherine Stone |
I recently wrote a post for a new blog from Ashoka's Changemakers called Mommy Movement. As they describe it: "Mommy Movement is a group blog where bloggers come together to raise awareness for women's issues. Several times a week, bloggers post one short...