by Katherine Stone |
Liz Szabo did a nice piece in USA Today on Wednesday about the role pediatricans can play in paying attention to the health of mothers. She uses the example of new mom Tracy Hart, whose pediatrician recognized she had postpartum depression and convinced her to get... by Katherine Stone |
Yesterday, I shared the news that the American Psychiatric Association released its initial changes to the manual used to diagnose people with mental illnesses (the DSM). These changes will lead to its 5th edition, known as the DSM-V. This includes information about... by Katherine Stone |
The initial revisions for the new DSM-V (the diagnostic manual that healthcare providers use to diagnose mental illnesses) have now been made available to the public. We've been watching to see what changes were made, since the information they've had in the...
by Katherine Stone |
Why treat postpartum depression? For one thing, untreated depression can lead to long-term, chronic major depression. As reported on the US News & World Report website, the February issue of Psychiatric Services published a study found that four years after being... by Katherine Stone |
The ever-helpful Patient Money columnist at the New York Times wrote this piece last week on appealing denials of your health insurance claims. Given how little mental health treatment is offered and how difficult it is to get, I figured you'd be more than a...
by Katherine Stone |
You’re never gonna know what the exact right thing is to do. You just aren’t, whether you are a mom who’s had postpartum depression or not. How much does that suck? Being a parent is tough business, and for those of us with postpartum depression or...