by Katherine Stone |
Is it fair to judge moms on what type of treatment they use for postpartum depression? No, says author Therese Borchard. I just saw the following as I’m trying to catch up on my reading of her blog Beyond Blue , and I thought it was really fantastic. Therese is... by Katherine Stone |
Interesting (but unscientific) poll going on over at the Cafe Mom website. They’re asking the question, in an area called “New Mom Secrets”: If you suffered from postpartum depression, would you keep it to yourself? Thus far, here are the results:... by Katherine Stone |
As I'm not a clinician, I sometimes have a hard time understanding the medical-school-speak used in the research results published in journals. It's important for us all to know what the research finds, but sometimes I just find myself confused and not sure... by Katherine Stone |
The National Association of Certified Professional Midwives has announced its endorsement of the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act. "As midwives we know first-hand the crucial important of support for women during hte postpartum period, including the value of... by Katherine Stone |
Just when you start to think no one is listening, you hear from an amazing healthcare provider like Alison Palmer in New Hampshire. She sent a fantastic email about the work that she is doing at Elliot Hospital in Manchester. They will be starting an Inpatient... by Katherine Stone |
Why is it that people attribute every murder of a child to postpartum depression? The following kind of uninformed writing, which appeared in a blog post of a mom on the very popular parenting website Strollerderby, really bugs me. It was written in a piece about the...