Another Mother's Story

Helena from the Ruth Rhoden Craven Foundation sent me this story from the Palmetto Parent, known as the "Family Magazine of the Midlands". As always, I think it’s good to read about the experiences of other mothers just to remind us that we’re...

APA Tells Cruise to Stuff It

Thought you might want to see this brief story from about the American Psychiatric Association’s response to Tom Cruise’s mission of late to completely derail the treatment of people with mental illnesses. Link: – Psychiatrists:...

Why Does This Happen???

This is a very good article on postpartum depression from yesterday's New York times, written by Jane Brody: Don't Let Your Baby Blues Go Code Red. What really interested me was the following paragraph: Known risk factors include a personal or family history...

NAMI Walks

Darlene Gray sent me this link, which is the homepage for 5k walks that will be held around the country this Fall for the National Association of Mental Illness. The "Campaign for the Mind of America" will raise money and awareness about our country’s...