by Katherine Stone |
I’m beyond excited about Climb Out of the Darkness 2013, and it looks like many of you are too! So here’s a message from me, in addition to the beautiful words Deborah shared with you earlier: 1) I hope you’ll get out in the sunshine on June 21st (or...
by Katherine Stone |
If you are reading this blog, you are one of us. Or you love or care for people like us. We are the 15% of new or pregnant moms who have postpartum depression, anxiety, psychosis or other related mood disorders. And we have all benefited greatly from the peer... by Katherine Stone |
Sharing news from the Los Angeles County Perinatal Mental Health Task Force. Here are just a few things they’d love for you to do before May — Maternal Mental Health Month — is over … 1. Watch and share this Public Service Announcement. The...
by Katherine Stone |
Postpartum depression is really a combo-pack of nature and nurture, rather than what we have thought of as solely a “chemical imbalance.” Part of the cause of PPD is likely your genes, and part of the cause is likely what type of trauma, stress or...
by Katherine Stone |
The new Diagnostic Statistical Manual — the DSM-V — has officially been released by the American Psychiatric Association. So what does it say about postpartum depression? Not what I thought it would. In the DSM-IV, to diagnose Major Depressive Disorder... by Katherine Stone |
I realize that many of you are not bloggers so feel free to ignore this, but for those of you who are and who have been thinking about attending a blogging or social media conference, why not come see me in Chicago in July? I’m speaking at Pathfinder Day on July...