by Katherine Stone |
Happy Mother’s Day 2013! Welcome to our annual Mother’s Day Rally for Moms’ Mental Health. I’m very proud that we have made it a tradition for five years now to hold up our dear pregnant and new mom friends who may be struggling this... by Katherine Stone |
A new study published in the medical journal BJOG finds that women with unplanned pregnancies have a risk four times higher than average to suffer from postpartum depression at twelve months postpartum. In the study, conducted by the University of North... by Katherine Stone |
I’m very happy to welcome guest contributor Jessica Michaelson, PhD, a psychologist who shares her own story of postpartum depression. I’ve been depressed since I was twelve. I didn’t know it then. I just knew that I hated myself with intensity, was...
by Katherine Stone |
The Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative is hosting a PPD training and postpartum wellness conference in Mount Laurel, New Jersey on June 11th from 8am to 3pm entitled “Maximizing Perinatal Mental Health: Effective Treatment Interventions”. Register... by Katherine Stone |
I’m really happy to share with you an exciting new research initiative about infertility treatment and depression that is being conducted by the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Women’s Mental Health. Called the Symptom Tracking in Assisted... by Katherine Stone |
May is Maternal Mental Health Month, so as you might imagine there are lots of things going on. Here are a few: The California Maternal Mental Heath Collaborative will hold a press conference, panel discussion and networking luncheon on Monday, May 6th at the capitol...