by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Moms, Whatever you are feeling, other new mothers have felt. Our experiences might be different in texture and pitch, but the thread that strings feeling states together is well worn and might be eerily familiar. You are not alone. The statistics are glaring.... by Katherine Stone |
Dear new mom: During my pregnancy, I thought about postpartum depression often, knowing I was at an increased risk due to my history of depression and anxiety. I even coached my family in symptoms to watch for. In my Type A way, I expected, prepared, and felt ready... by Katherine Stone |
Dear new mom: I should not be behind the wheel of a car right now. That moment will stay with me forever. After four weeks of very little sleep, a colicky newborn and way too many people coming by for a visit, my husband encouraged me to get out of the house for a...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mom, “We hold these truths to be self-evident…” Here’s the thing, my youngest, the one I had the worst bout of postpartum adjustment with, is now seven. Yes, SEVEN. Shouldn’t I be over this by now? Well, it depends on who’s...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mama: Let me just start by saying, being a mom is hard work, right? I mean, I think you know this already, but we can both agree that you don’t REALLY know just HOW HARD it is until you’re thrown into the thick of it. I know I didn’t know what “hard” meant...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear new mom, First things first: Know that depression after weaning is a real thing. I didn’t realize this. Many people don’t, although there is starting to be more information out there about it. All I knew about was regular postpartum depression, and I braced...