by Katherine Stone |
Where does suicide rank in terms of maternal mortality? How prevalent is postpartum depression, really? The media always said 1 in 10 moms got postpartum depression. Then in the last couple of years we convinced them to switch to 1 in 8. Now, a new study published in... by Katherine Stone |
I’m always happy when I see a post from Warrior Mom Robin Farr, of Farewell Stranger, in my inbox. Today Robin writes about having another child after postpartum depression, and waiting for the other shoe to drop. My second child – my baby after postpartum... by Katherine Stone |
I love this story from Elma Placeres Dieppa about her experience with postpartum depression (PPD). There is certainly a strong stigma against acknowledging and treating mental illness in the Latin community, so I really appreciate her bravery in sharing her story at... by Katherine Stone |
Psych Central reported on a new study published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science in which the authors concluded that having her family’s strong social support around a new mom means she is less likely to develop postpartum depression. The study...
by Katherine Stone |
More than a few moms on our Facebook page have mentioned being too afraid to ask for help for PPD. They don’t want to be fully honest, as I suggested they should be in a recent story, when telling a doctor exactly what they are thinking or feeling. There were... by Katherine Stone |
I was talking to someone in private today about the possibility of postpartum depression. She wasn’t sure that her symptoms would qualify. They’re not that bad. She’s had it worse. Other people have had it worse. It made me think about how much we...