by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: It’s turning out to be postpartum OCD/Intrusive Thoughts Week here at Postpartum Progress. This wasn’t planned, it’s just that I’m hearing from so many of you who are going through this illness, so I’m sharing just a...
by Katherine Stone |
[Trigger warning: If you are currently suffering from intrusive thoughts this story may trigger additional upsetting thoughts and it may be better to skip it. We often talk about the intrusive thoughts of postpartum anxiety and postpartum OCD here on Postpartum... by Katherine Stone |
The wind was howling. The sky looked a murky shade of green. I saw the patio umbrella blow past the back door. I've been here before. It's tornado season in Atlanta. The house in which I live has no basement, and, I realized this week, no interior rooms...
by Katherine Stone |
I got this email from Amy from Pretty Babies, and I identified so much with what she said that I wanted to share it with you (with her permission, of course). “The entire trajectory of my recovery would have been different if I had known about the intrusive... by Katherine Stone |
When I had postpartum OCD in 2001, I had never heard of the illness with which I was eventually diagnosed. I had never heard of postpartum anxiety. I had never heard of intrusive thoughts. Once I was fortunate enough to find out what was wrong with me, I got pretty... by Katherine Stone |
It’s time to announce the top 10 writers on postpartum depression and other perinatal mood and anxiety disorders for 2010! First, here’s how I made my final decision. I wanted to make sure the ten chosen where representative of more illnesses than simply... Page 7 of 16« First«...56789...15...»Last »