by Jenna Hatfield |
[Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post on postpartum anxiety comes from a Climb Leader who said, when she sent it to me, that sharing her story is the only way to begin fighting stigma in earnest. We 100% agree. When we share our stories, we help others and... by Jenna Hatfield |
[Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post comes from Stephanie, and she brings a little something different today: a poem on postpartum depression. It’s beautifully written. It’s also a piece many mamas who have suffered postpartum depression can... by Jenna Hatfield |
Today was kind of a big day at Postpartum Progress. We Went Facebook Live First, we held our first Facebook Live Event. Our intention was to talk for ten minutes, some about postpartum mood and anxiety disorders and some about Climb Out of the Darkness. But we also... by Jenna Hatfield |
[Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post comes from Warrior Mom Catherine Barber. She lists the things she wish she’d known more about postpartum depression before experiencing it first hand. -Jenna] Our culture celebrates the joys of motherhood. We shower... by Kylie Abrahams |
Pregnancy is a miracle, they said. You will love your journey, they said. Be grateful, they said. Well I say however magical it can be at times, pregnancy is gross, my friends. That’s right. I’m calling it. There are too many bodily changes to keep up with... by Jenna Hatfield |
[Editor’s Note: We have something special for you today. It’s a poem from Postpartum Progress board member, Deborah Rimmler. Maybe it’s just what you need to read today, coming off the high or low of Mother’s Day. -Jenna] Call of the Warrior...