Mary Jo Codey has won the 2008 Eli Lilly Welcome Back Lifetime Achievement Award. For years, Mary Jo has been a national spokesperson and crusader for maternal mental health, sharing her story to help other women reach out for help. The campaign she inspired in New Jersey, "Speak Up When You’re Down," has become a model for states across the country to offer programs, services and resources for women suffering from perinatal mood disorders.

Also, Dr. Meg Spinelli of Columbia University has won a 2008 Eli Lilly Welcome Back Award in the category of psychiatry. Dr. Spinelli was selected based on the depth of her experience, knowledge and commitment to the issue of perinatal mental health. The award carries at $10,000 prize to be donated at her discretion.

Eli Lilly launched the Welcome Back Awards program 10 years ago to fight the stigma associated with depression and promote the understanding that depression is treatable. Many congrats to both Dr. Spinelli and Mary Jo Codey!!!!! And thanks to Susan Stone, president of Postpartum Support International, for letting me know about this great news.