
I'm on the very outer fringe of mommyblogging. Like if Dooce's Heather Armstrongis the sun, and Her Bad Mother's Catherine Connor is Venus and Mom 101's Liz Gumbiner isEarthand the Redneck Mommy's Tanis is Mars, then I am something like maybe 2003 VB12, also known as Sedna, way out in the very farthest reaches of the Solar System.

Let's face it. This is really a niche blog. 😉

Any way, since I'm not alwaysup to date on what's happening in the mommyblogosphere, I completely missed out on National Delurker Day 2010. It was January 14th.

What is delurking you ask? It's the process of making yourself known, via comment, after you've been reading a blog for a while but haven't said hello or shared your opinion. As described by BlogWorldExpo:

"In the blog world, many people read blogs and they watch and read comments all the while staying in the shadows and not being a part of the conversation. They are shy or they think that they don’t have something to add that is useful, or they just want to stay anonymous.

Delurking Day was formed to make it a day where everyone could leave a comment and be seen on the blog. It was a great way for bloggers to find out who was reading and also a time for those that were shy or not wanting to be seen on the blog to have a chance to say hello as well. If you are a regular reader of a blogs and you never want to leave a comment but enjoy reading and watching the comments as conversations ensue, this is your day. leave a comment and say hello."

So since I'm the pretend ruler over my own little world, I hereby declare today Delurking Day on Postpartum Progress. I ask you to speak up. Say hello. Tell us why you're here. I'm really glad you're here and I'd love to hear what you think, or what you need, or what you don't like, or your favorite color, or what version of a latte you order… Mine is a grande, non-fat, no-foam, 2 raw sugar latte just in case you wanted to know.

In case you don't know how to comment, look below the post and you'll see the underlined word "comments". Click on it.

I'd like to encourage more commenting this year, because the readers of Postpartum Progress really appreciate and want to hear from other mothers. The more women who speak up, the more they feel they aren't alone.

P.S. If you've had problems commenting here in the past, I tried to make some changes to how my blog accepts comments today to make it MUCH easier. So give it a try again!!!!

P.P.S. For those of you who didn't read this post today (Monday), I still want you to delurk. Let's just imagine this day lasts as many hours as we want it to. Like 450, or something. Whenever you get around to reading this post, delurk yourself.