Ultimate Blog Party 2011

Welcome Ultimate Blog Party People from 5 Minutes for Mom! Wanna know what goes on around here? We are very proud to be the most widely-read blog on postpartum depression.

Did you have PPD? If so, you've found your peeps. If not, we hope you'll still care, because it is very likely to happen to a friend, a sister, a daughter or someone else important to you, and if you are armed with information you can be the one who helps save her life.

My name is Katherine, and I had postpartum OCD with the birth of my first child 9 years ago. I'll never forget how awful it was. Never. I've never been so miserable and scared in all my life, and I hope never to be again. That's why I started this blog 7 years ago and am so happy to be here with all the great readers and contributors.

Postpartum Progress offers a list of postpartum depression and anxiety symptoms in plain mama English, to a list of postpartum depression support groups, to great stories of survival from all kinds of moms from all over this planet.

We cover everything from depression during pregnancy to depression after miscarriage to emotional issues after a traumatic childbirth to postpartum OCD and everything in between. We've got a Facebook Fan Page where you can write on the wall and talk to other Warrior Moms (that's what we call ourselves). You can follow us on Twitter at @postpartumprogr. You can share your own story with us. You can email us any time and ask questions at postpartumprogress@gmail.com. We're here to help.

We can't think of anything more important than the emotional health of a new mom, because a healthy mom is able to care for her beautiful new baby in the best ways possible. If you are a momblogger or a parenting or pregnancy blogger, we hope you'll bookmark this site and use it in the future. Thanks so much for stopping by! Please say hello!