by Katherine Stone |
My friend Yael Saar is a mama on a mission to remove guilt and shame from parenting in order to make room for joy and love. She is the Founder and Keeper of the Mama’s Comfort Camp: a Facebook community that functions as a safe haven and refueling station for hundreds...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: Today I’m pleased to welcome Warrior Mom Nic, who shares how hard it was to get help once she realized she had severe PPD when her baby was six months old. -Katherine] This place was somewhat familiar to me. I had been down this road... by Katherine Stone |
What I’m reading today that you might like to read too about postpartum anxiety, postpartum depression, medication during pregnancy and more: Antidepressants in Pregnancy May Not Hinder Growth After All — From Psych Central, on a research study from...
by Kate Kripke |
You may have heard it over and over before: One of the best ways to treat a postpartum mood and anxiety disorder like postpartum depression is through therapy. “Find a therapist” is probably the first suggestion that you will hear from people who specialize in these...