by Katherine Stone |
As I shared earlier this week, it is possible that postpartum OCD occurs much more often than originally thought, perhaps in as many as 10% of new moms. Since there’s so much discussion about postpartum OCD in the news, I wanted to make sure we talked a little... by Katherine Stone |
Psych Central reported on a new study published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science in which the authors concluded that having her family’s strong social support around a new mom means she is less likely to develop postpartum depression. The study... by Katherine Stone |
In the past, it was always estimated that about 3% of postpartum women would get postpartum OCD. That number never made any sense to me, given how many of you with whom I speak about intrusive thoughts and other significant obsessive and compulsive symptoms. Plus, I...
by Katherine Stone |
More than a few moms on our Facebook page have mentioned being too afraid to ask for help for PPD. They don’t want to be fully honest, as I suggested they should be in a recent story, when telling a doctor exactly what they are thinking or feeling. There were...