by Katherine Stone |
This time of year makes me think of when I had postpartum OCD and was afraid to be alone with my baby. I still get that same twinge when summer comes and I worry about how to keep my two kids entertained all day long. Whether I have what it takes to get through... by Katherine Stone |
Do you feel like you cannot bond with your child? Is it hard to feel maternal feelings towards your child(ren)? Or, are you a mom who feels guilty because you love your husband more than your children? If so, ABC's "Good Morning America" wants to hear...
by Katherine Stone |
I waited very impatiently staring out the picture window. The diaper bag packed hours ago rested on the floor by my feet. I held on tightly to the bundle of screaming baby in my arms and I thought angrily: “Where is he?” Minutes passed. My teeth clenched. Half an hour... by Katherine Stone |
CNN's Elizabeth Cohen recently published the piece "10 Dumb Things You Do At The Doctor's Office" and Karen Kleiman pointed it out on Twitter. Karen said she thought the article was very pertinent to moms with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders...