by Katherine Stone |
Sometimes I wish I could be more like my husband. He and I are pretty much polar opposites, in nearly every way you could think of: he’ll eat anything, I pick and choose; I like to spend (a lot of) money, he likes to save it; he’s good with his hands, I’m good with... by Katherine Stone |
Thanks to our neighbors to the North in Canada — specifically the Nipissing Postpartum Mood Disorders Network — here is Six Things Every New Mother Should Know About Postpartum Depression, en francais!!!! Now I just need someone who is really good at...
by Katherine Stone |
I got this email from Amy from Pretty Babies, and I identified so much with what she said that I wanted to share it with you (with her permission, of course). “The entire trajectory of my recovery would have been different if I had known about the intrusive... by Katherine Stone |
Even one of television's most perfect moms, Florence Henderson, who played the mother on the show "The Brady Bunch," had postpartum depression. Florence will share her experience with PPD in her upcoming memoir due to be published this September....