by Katherine Stone |
And here they are … O My Family on knowing when you're being triggered and when you aren't and what better looks like Pretty Swell blog on becoming pregnant after postpartum depression, and what happened next Band Back Together on the fact that... by Katherine Stone |
Time. One year is 7 years for a dog, right? It's the opposite for women with postpartum depression. More like one year is 3 months for someone with PPD. Maybe less. Just ask Allison from O My Family about the time it takes to recover from PPD. It's been a year... by Katherine Stone |
You have just given birth to a baby who you have been waiting anxiously to meet. Even if you are someone whose pregnancy was not ideal, it is likely that you have been holding onto the hope that when you meet this baby on the outside, many of the discomforts or... by Katherine Stone |
I've been writing this blog for six and a half years now. That's a long time. As you might imagine, I've had ups and downs along the way. Times when I would run out of energy, or times when things going on in my personal life just made it difficult to...