by Katherine Stone |
I'm kind of really proud of this, and I'm really hoping you'll read it and comment over at ParentDish. I think it pertains a lot to postpartum depression and anxiety, and antenatal depression and anxiety. Not wanting to talk to people about it. Not wanting... by Katherine Stone |
From Amber at Beyond Postpartum, on women with PPD being afraid to switch healthcare providers: There Are Other Fish In the Sea From Walker at Fully Dilated, a poetic look at the origins of her postpartum PTSD: My Bad From Kristen at Birthing Beautiful Ideas, a... by Katherine Stone |
Postpartum Progress reader Alison S. sent me this lovely email, and I asked her if I could post it here to share it with you. She said she stumbled across a memoir that she felt was perfect proof that postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis are not illnesses of...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post from a Warrior Mom will inspire those still in the dark of postpartum depression. Light will come, mamas. It will come. -Katherine] I went to the post office yesterday. With both of my kids. Both of my rambunctious, loud...