by Jenna Hatfield |
[Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post comes from an anonymous mother who wanted to share where she is in her journey. It’s an important piece because we so often only hear about the “after,” the success stories. This mom is still in the...
by Carrie London |
Our dear Hayden returned to work recently after entering recovery for postpartum depression. Everyone is talking about how wonderful she looks. How brave she is to talk about her disease. How it’s great to see that she has gotten better—how she has...
by Jenna Hatfield |
Each year, Postpartum Progress’ Board of Directors elects to donate a percentage of funds raised by Climb Out of the Darkness® held in selected states to local, independent, 501c3 registered nonprofit organizations that provide direct services, such as support groups,...
by Jenna Hatfield |
We’re so pleased to share some of the things Postpartum Progress was able to accomplish in 2015 thanks to the amazing work of our team, our volunteers, our partners, and our donors. We are continuing to grow and expand our capacity to reach more mothers, and...