by Katherine Stone |
One of the chief problems for anyone who chooses to take medication to treather postpartum depression or anxiety is figuring out whether a medication will even work for you. Psych Central reports on a new test that may be able to predict how you'll respond to... by Katherine Stone |
Dontcha know that seeing the title of this little piece of research would set my heart to racing! "A preliminary investigation of the impact of maternal obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder on parenting and children" The research isn't on... by Katherine Stone |
Prentice Women's Hospital at Northwestern Memorial in Chicago has now made screening and education for posptartum depression a standard practice. (Wahoo!) "Postpartum depression is under-recognized and under-treated," said Jacqueline Gollan, PhD,...
by Katherine Stone |
Today, September 11th, is a very moving day for me. Among the remembrances of what happened in New York City, at the Pentagon and in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, I also remember the beginning of what became both a devastating experience and a true blessing in...