by Katherine Stone |
I should really go to sleep. Well, maybe not. Too many interesting things to read. I'll pay for this in the morning, but some amazing Warrior Moms on the web are talking about their experience and pointing out some very interesting issues related to perinatal mood... by Katherine Stone |
The Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Women's Mental Health posted a new piece today called "Using New Research to Inform Treatment Decisions During Pregnancy: A Case Report". I would imagine this could be very helpful to practicing physicians... by Katherine Stone |
The Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act has had and is gaining wide support from groups involved in everything from the psychiatric field to women's rights. Susan Stone over at Perinatal Pro (that one was for you, Susan!) shares that the bill has now been endorsed...
by Katherine Stone |
I want you to read a brief but great piece by John McManamy at McMan’s Depression and Bipolar Web called Mental Water Torture. It’s about the importance of not blowing off mild to moderate depression until it turns into major depression. His words apply to...