by Katherine Stone |
If you hadn't noticed it yet, I've created a new series called Six Things. You can find it on the left of your screen, directlyunderneath my picture. (Found it? Good.) I decided to develop these documents as a "quick and dirty" way to let people know...
by Katherine Stone |
So you have a history of depression (or anxiety or bipolar disorder)and you’re trying to decide whether to have a child or not. OR you’ve gotten pregnant and now have depression (or anxiety or bipolar disorder) during your pregnancy, maybe even for the... by Katherine Stone |
Here's how one mom got through her postpartum depression … by finding her creative side. by Katherine Stone |
There are two new pieces of research on postpartum depression in this month's issue of the journalPsychiatric Services. The first took a look at whether culturally relevant, enhanced brief interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT-B)offers better advantages to low-income...