by Jenna Hatfield |
Having a baby around Thanksgiving feels so magical, doesn’t it? Pregnant with our first son, I remember feeling excited about his due date. While not due until the week after Thanksgiving, I delivered all three of my babies early due to health complications, so...
by Jenna Hatfield |
We’re looking for YOU… …to submit a speaker/presenter application for the 2016 Warrior Mom™ Conference happening in Atlanta next October 14-15. That’s right. We’re looking for you. We’re looking for speakers who want to use their...
by Carrie London |
As expectant mothers, all we can do is plan. We make labor plans, we plan the nursery, we plan how we will spend our maternity leave. We plan birthday parties, play dates, college graduations. All this planning before even giving birth. We thrive on a diet made up...
by Jenna Hatfield |
We’ve heard your questions in the private Facebook group for Warrior Mom Conference Attendees. (You’ll be added to the group when you register.) We know you’ve all been chomping at the bit to book your hotel room at The Georgian Terrace for our...