by Alexandra Rosas |
Seeing someone struggling through postpartum depression and anxiety cracks my heart wide open. I don’t care if I’m a stranger to them or not, I want to take their hands into mine and tell them to trust me. I want them to believe me when I tell them I have...
by Katherine Stone |
This weekend, Postpartum Progress’ 3rd annual Climb Out of the Darkness will take place in cities in towns throughout the world. Some of the women participating, all of whom are survivors of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders like PPD, have shared with us why...
by Katherine Stone |
If you feel alone. If you feel ashamed. If you’re still lost. If you haven’t told anyone yet. Or ever. If you feel like you’ll never get better. If you have gotten better and yet you still look over your shoulder. If you still grieve for the moments... by Lauren Hale |
Do you want a postcard with a handwritten message of hope and encouragement from an attendee of the Warrior Mom Conference, the first ever patient centered maternal mental health conference being held on July 11-12 in Boston? Of course you do! Starting today, you can...